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onsdag 30 mars 2016


We get money back for our plastic bottles. We have collected them for awhile now. When you live in the country it is easy to collect a whole bunch in the garage...but today I took them all in :).

Why do we bother?

Bought nice fun kitty beds for the kitties. Little caves that they can cuddle in. And do they do that? No. They stand on them till they are flat. Then they sleep on top. I am going to outsmart them somehow!!!

Sharing the box

Polo has claimed the box full of packing paper. But she sometimes shares with Mama Cat :).

måndag 28 mars 2016

My human

Mama Cat lays her claim to Boyfriend's hand.

We found Spring!

Apparently it was hiding in Sigtuna :).


There are more runestones in Sigtuna than almost anywhere else in Sweden. We saw a few today. Being that the Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia are my areas of history you can imagine that I was super excited :). Sock monkey was too :).

17th century cafe

We had lunch at a cool cafe that is in a house from the late 17th century. It was very charming and you can see the age here by how much the house has moved lol. We made sure to have the house Easter special cake as well :).


Today we went to Sigtuna! We needed a break from all the boxes. So we went to have lunch and walk around. Such a pretty little town :). And I remembered that sock monkey needed to show he has been too!

söndag 27 mars 2016

Gargoyle Gizmo

Gizmo is being a super cute gargoyle on the fireplace mantle :).

Excuse me?

Excuse me, you with the thumbs, yes you, can you open the candy?

Kitty Easter!

Kitties got Easter too! An egg filled with kitty candy!

lördag 26 mars 2016

Feeling crafty

I couldn't find any bigger eggs to hang in the window so I decided to make some myself :). Am pretty happy with them, but maybe could have used more pieces? Didn't want them all wonky tho :/.

torsdag 24 mars 2016

Grown-up Easter Egg

Boyfriend can't eat too much sugar or he gets sick. It's always a dilemma what to put in his Easter Egg.  I think I did pretty good this year, total grown up egg with very little sugar :).

tisdag 22 mars 2016


Chemistry. Again. Life hates me. Part of my job is helping students with thier regular subjects in English. So I help them understand the text, questions, assignments etc. But that means I have to read it too. Dammit. I hated chemistry! And I sucked at it! We see how it goes....

Spring in Sweden


måndag 21 mars 2016

Pub night

We made it to the first pub night with the "byalag", the group for the area we live in. It was fun :). And it was at the Manor house so extra fancy feeling pub night.

söndag 20 mars 2016

Potato Heads!

I got my collection of Potato Heads up today :). They were so sad in the box for so long :(. What I really need now are some basic potato heads so I can put up even more!!!! I have different "outfits" but not enough potatoes. Working on it.

onsdag 16 mars 2016

Shedding a bit

Mama Cat is shedding just a tiny bit. Tiny tiny bit.

Not really round...

We gave homemade pizza a shot. It was...well, not round. But it tasted ok :).


Well, in Swedish it is "paj". I think this counts as a quiche. I made it! Even the crust! I am very proud :).

Perfect omelette

Boyfriend made omelettes for dinner and they turned out perfect! Look how pretty!

Easter witches!

This one is unique to Sweden (and the Swedish bits of Finland). It's the Easter witches, or "påskkärringar". They come out the day before Easter to gather at Blåkulla. They visit people with Easter greetings or letters and in return they get candy or money. Nowadays this is basically like Halloween with one costume. The kids dress up like Easter witches and go around asking for candy. I also see some Easter bunny outfits now too. I really like these ones we found to put in the window. They all have kitties :).

Easter time!

Which in Sweden means having twigs decorated with feathers, or eggs, or chickens, or a combo. No feathers for me this year, it's eggs and chickens. The kitties find these way more fun I can promise :). Although the twigs are a bit morbid, they are meant to symbolise the sticks used to beat on Jesus while he carried the cross to where he was crucified. Now we decorate them only tho, no flagellation involved :). 

måndag 7 mars 2016

Pretty pretty horses

I sneaked them each a carrot so I got good pictures :). They loved the carrots!!! Just can't do that often since not our horses.


We found out from the neighbors that they are Icelandic horses. So fluffy :).

New digs part 2

Huckleberry's new digs part two. This was the other pattern we chose. Isn't it nice :). He likes to crawl under it so I guess he approves :).

torsdag 3 mars 2016

Horses up close

The horses were out today. I got to pet one :). I think he wanted treats tho. We don't have any horsey treats. Only kitty treats. He still let me pet him tho, treat less loser that I am :).