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tisdag 29 december 2009

Min lilla tjockis :)

What a lady like cat I have :). She wasn't even playing or anything
she was just laying there. Relaxed. So cute!

Got a problem?

The dove says "This is my shoe to sit on bitch!".
Even his face and body language says it, lol :).
He jumped up on Jens' shoe when he didn't get a piece of bread. So fun!

söndag 27 december 2009

My kitties!

One of my Christmas presents had Bastet and Sekhmet on it! So cute :)

lördag 26 december 2009

London calling...

...nope it was Malmö :). There is a mini London Eye wheel thing in
Malmö. Interesting.

fredag 25 december 2009

Fun nail decorations

Meg had fun nail decorations from Japan and I got to have some :).
They are so super cute!!!!

Poor puppy :(

Rutger was all soaking wet after a very long Christmas walk in the
rain. Oh the price we have to pay to get to play with "bollen"!
Luckily this long walk in the rain took place before I got there on
the train...too bad really... :).

Swedish family's X-mas tree

Sure beats my Charlie Brown tree :). Isn't it pretty? Makes it a real
Christmas, having a real tree.

Christmas dinner in Helsingborg!

Swedish style :). Yummy!


Gingerbread cookies for the whole Christmas group! Inuding all the
kitties and little unknown :)

No more Kalle Anka until next year :(

torsdag 24 december 2009

Kalle Anka :)

Not Christmas in Sweden without Donald Duck!!!!

tisdag 22 december 2009

Cute snow woman :)

Another neighbors snow man :). This one is a fat Melinda-like snow
man ;).

Chillin' in da 'hood

One of my neighbors built a snowman :)

söndag 20 december 2009

If only...

If only the guy in charge of my neighborhoods sidewalks were in charge
of the roads. I mean look at this! All cleared off and everything.
Compared to the other picture a big diffference :). But I don't mind
cause driving on roads covered in snow us super fun!!!

Where are Melinda's feet!?!

In the snow :)

Excuse me, which way is the road?

So much snow and no ploughing so finding where the sides of the road
were was an interesting game.

Snow picture from last night

Look the trashcan has a hat! :)

More snow...

Here is near where I live. A small hill covered in snow with snow
piled around it. So fun!

Dreaming of a white Christmas

Well we have a little bit of snow here in Sweden. Just a tiny bit, you
know you can barely tell it's there. I am pretty sure it will be a
White Christmas this year!!! Cause it's been snowing for like five
days and it doesn't show any signs of stopping :).

Another nap together :)

And a couplehours later they get even cuddlier :)

Sekhmet and Siri take a nap

Ahhh so cute!!!! They like each other. Siri is my step kitty. I am
kitty sitting for a couple of days :)

lördag 19 december 2009

Cute Napkins

Impromptu taco night at Tina and Andreas. I just had to take a picture
of the super cute napkins! Yummy tacos and movies were also there. As
well as nice friends who are wonderful company :)

fredag 18 december 2009


So cute!!! Sekhmet and Siri taking nap on sofa :). Mommy and Bastet
were taking nap in bed :). All in all a good afternoon's "work" if I
do say so myself.


My aunt and uncle had a puppy like these when I was a kid. His name
was Keester. So I couldn't resist taking a picture cause they were so
cute playing in the snow :)

torsdag 17 december 2009

Pretty :)

My pretty flower from Ebba that I got on my birthday bloomed and it is
so pretty!


I love the glass work that this artist does. I already have glasses
and two pieces of glass art by her. I want this one! It is purple!!!
So pretty :). The artists name is Ulrika Hydman Vallien. The series is
called Open Minds and I have one large wine glass shaped one and one
miniature blue one that looks similar to these. So cool!!!

tisdag 15 december 2009

måndag 14 december 2009

Pippi fåglarna :)

Jens has two small finches and they are so cute!!! Here is one of
them. His name is Orfeus and the other is Isis. I decided. They needed
names!!! :)

Very serious lesson

During our version of home room the car teacher was explaining some
electrical math stuff to the math teacher on the board while the
students worked on homework and what not. I felt left out :(. So I
contributed with what I do best :). Which was not math...of course.

A play!!!

After glögg and dinner we went to Malmö to see Svennsson och
Svensson. It was fun! I didn't know at first though what it was but
then my work people told me it was a famous tv show. Then it made more
sense :)

My very first work Christmas party!

We had glögg first out in the workshop part of the school. Hence the
cars and car frames in the background. Then a wonderful dinner in the
break room. Very nicely decorated and fancy. Then we all piled into
the giant van to go to Malmö and see......

torsdag 10 december 2009

Check yourself out

In Stockholm they had this cool system where you took a scanner and
while you shopped you scanned everything and bagged it then just paid
on the way out when you turned in the scanner. It was pretty spiffy!


Uffe lost his glasses in Spain so he borrowed a pair of Karin's till
the new ones come. We had to tease him a bit about the super manly
bling bling on the sides but it actually took me awhile to notice it
at first...So girly var de väl inte :)

I swear it winked at me...

Creepy rotten tree stump that kinda looks like an eyeball. At least to
me. But then again I am weird so...

Is that Santa holding a beer?

Well maybe not quite. It's a Swedish drink called "julmust". Sort of
like non sugary Coke type substance that tastes like dark beer but not
really. Yeah. It's just one of those you have to try it things.

onsdag 9 december 2009

Red flags are so last season

You should always clearly mark the end of a load sticking out of the
back of a truck or trailor. Most people use a red flag but at my job
we like to get a little more creative. A plastic soda or milk crate
and a red bucket. If someone does not see this creation it will be a "can't see the
forest for the trees" thing. They will be so busy trying to figure out
what the hell it is they'll run right into it :).

My New Apartment

Here is the layout for my new apartment. I am moving in on the fourth of January and am super duper excited. I can't wait to get it all wallpapered and painted and decorated just as I want it. It will take longer this time cause I have to save up for the furniture and take some time to paint but I will be able to live here a lot longer than the place I have now, so it will be worth it to do it properly. Am so excited!!!

Halloween Pumpkins :)

Here is a cool picture of the Halloween pumpkins. The two to the left are mine and the one to the right is Klas'. Aren't they fun?

Interesting arch

An entire arch made of flower pots at Sofiero's garden fair. It was pretty cool so I of course took a picture :)

I love these ads!!!

As a contrast to the many ads about eating healthy and fiber rich and low sugar and no carbs there is a snack cake company that has taken the same rhetoric and flipped it to talk the same way about their cakes and snacks. I really have to find the one that says "Kan innehålla spår av vitaminer". So fucking funny!!!

tisdag 8 december 2009

One super realaxed kitty cat

It doesn't look comfortable but it surely must be to be draped all over the "klösträd" like that!!! It just makes you want to go "Ahhh! What a cute kitty!" doesn't it?

Spot the Sekhmet!!

Spot the kitty! Here is a cute one of Sekhmet at Helena and Jonas' garden at their colony lot. This one is of course from earlier in the year, but I forgot to put it up before. But now it will go up in the cute Hall of Fame :)

I am getting my operation in the Spring!!!

Well it is finally coming together with my operation!!! For those of you who are not aware of what operation I mean, it is my gastric bypass. Since the region of Skåne has too many operations and too few doctors there are some private clinics that are helping them out and taking some operations. So my waiting time now is no loner 48 months, more like less than six!!! My remiss was sent to a clinic in Kristianstad and I called them and they told me I would get an appointment time at the end of February. At that appointment I will have an introduction meeting and meet the doctor and they will make sure that I can stil have the surgery and whatnot. At that appointment I will get a surgery time that will be within five to six weeks after that. So I should be having my surgery sometime in April!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited :) I have been struggling with my weight for so long. This will hopefully be the thing that really changes it for me. I won't be able to eat very much and I won't be able to eat all the bad things that I haven't really ever been able to stop eating. If you have a gastric bypass you simply cannot eat lots of Coke and sugar and other stuff, it makes you feel shitty. And you can eat at most two deciliters of food at a time.

I can't wait!!! I am a bit scared and nervous. I have never had a surgery before so that part is scary. But my mom said that it is not so bad with this kind of surgery, four laproscopic holes, so no gaping openings or anything like that. She said you usually get quite sore, but it doesn't hurt like you might think. So yes, a bit scared, but totally worth it!!!

Am going to be healthy and skinny and be able to buy clothes and feel like I am just as worthy as other people :)

lördag 28 november 2009

Fun one from Stockholm

Here is a gun picture from Stockholm I forgot to put up. I like it
that all the ladies are fat and this one is standing on her head. Very
wacky Melinda taste :).

While Mommy was at work...

The kitties apparently had some kind of inter galactic battle. Two
pictures not only off the wall but one two meters away from it's
original place, on an entirely different sofa from the one it hangs
over. Interesting, very interesting...
Perhaps one day I will leave out a video camera :)

fredag 27 november 2009

A hint perhaps?

Step by step instructions, with pictures, for how to wash dishes at my
job. Posted right over the sink. What do you think it means? What is
it trying to say? Hmmmm...going to need to ponder this one for a bit :)

Twilight and New Moon!!!!

Here is my ticket from the Twilight and New Moon night Maria and I
went to :). It was great! And got to see Twilight on the big screen
which was fun, but best part was finally getting to see New Moon!!!
Even if we were surrounded by screaming teenagers. Maria and I thought
that next time we can wear t-shirts that say "Yes I am circa 30 years
old and no I do not care". We see :)