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fredag 30 december 2011

Spot the goat!

It's just not Christmas without the creepy straw goat lurking somewhere.

Fudge it all to hell!

I tried to make fudge. I got a craving for mom's fudge. Sue me. So I called mom, got the recipe, made a (very expensive, shudder) trip to the American Store and set out to fix my fudge. Erika helped and we were pretty proud, if I do say so myself. But that did not last long. You see, when I talked to mom, it was one cup evaporated milk, but she meant one fudge turned out kinda gritty and crumbling :(. But I will not give up, no siree Bob! I got more evaporated milk and I'm gonna kick some fudge ass!
Or if all else fails, call mom and beg her to FedEx me know, whatever :).

Alessi expands!

As most of you know, I adore design, especially in the kitchen. I am a total Alessi whore when it comes to kitchen stuff. But last year I expanded my Alessi horizons when I got this nativity set from friends for my birthday :). So we see into which other rooms, besides the kitchen, that Alessi starts to take over.

Best Birthday Gift

This was one of the best birthday gifts. Mom sent it to me. It is a book, of course, that we used to read before for Christmas. But it was so special cause it is being read to me by mom! Every time you turn the page, it is mom's voice reading that page. Yeah, I cried :).

Cutest Christmas Tree Ever!

Since it was just Jimmie and me for Christmas, I decided not to go nuts with the decorating or anything, but we had to have a tree! This one was perfect, only like a meter tall, but so cute :). It made Christmas that little bit more Christmassy.

söndag 11 december 2011

Coloring my way to a stress free existence

I have re-discovered my love of coloring off and on over the past few years. It really does make me relax, which at the moment is a good thing. Here you can see one finished page and my current work in progress. It is quite ambitious, but I am enjoying it :).

lördag 10 december 2011

Sekhmet joins the Dark Side

Sekhmet is, as many of you know, not the social, attention seeking cuddle whore that Bastet is.  Sekhmet does sleep in bed with us sometimes but always down at the bottom corner.  But ever since Mommy got an electric blanket she has been inching her way closer and closer to where Bastet sleeps.  Now they are sleeping side side :).  So cute, no?

Murder at Angmar

It was Christmas Party time at Angmar, and the theme was the roaring 20's and a Murder Mystery dinner.  We were 7 people and one tiny baby :).  The only bad news for the evening was that due to some cancellations we had to re-think the whole murder mystery game.  We did play Clue instead though, so there was still murder and mystery at the dinner.  It was so much fun dressing up with friends as usual :)

lördag 3 december 2011

Coincidence or social commentary?

Not sure if the pharmacy fully considered the implications of this particular placement. For the non-Swedes, "djur" is animals and "man" is, well, man. But putting them right next to each other all on their was rather funny :). But like I said, not sure if it was on purpose...or accident....inquiring minds may never know!