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tisdag 30 juni 2009

Ducks in Malmö

This is my fountain bitch!

Two for the Price of One!

Bastet and Sekhmet got to go to Malmö a few weeks ago and shared a
cage. First to the vet for Sekhmet. Then to the park for the class

I'm so cute!

The little kitty that was living with me for a few weeks until she
could live with her new Daddy :)

Table for One

måndag 15 juni 2009

Long time to wait...

Well here we are just after Melinda hurt her knee. And once I looked at the photo I saw how much weight I have gained back since I came back from the US in January 2008. Then I weighed about 100 kilos. Now I weigh 138. I did not really see it until now. Or feel it until now like when I tripped and hit my knee. Maybe if I wasn't so fat I wouldn't have hurt my knee as much.

And here i can see just how small my head looks on my gigantic body....

Off to the pool as soon as my knee is better I think...

And I got a letter now, hence the title for this blog. I am now in line for a gastric bypass. But the waiting time is 48 months. Yep. 48. Four whole years. I hope that somehow it will be shorter than that in the end.

Lilla Kisse Miss :) :) :)

And here we have a visitor to our apartment. This cute little kitty cat is a birthday present for my friend Jimmie. He has wanted a cat for a very long time I think and was just waiting for someone to get him one...and then there was Melinda!

She got to live here for a couple of days before he met her, and because she was a surprise she will be here just a bit longer :)

It will be so hard to put up with her for a couple more weeks.... ha ha :)

Bookends :)

Two sleeping kitty cats :)

They have to sleep facing away from each other because they are not supposed to admit that they like each other.

Another one bites the dust...

Well we were all at Bodil's möhippa and Melinda made it approximately two hours and then tripped on the way to the bus.

Not only did Melinda fall down, she hit the only three inch deep puddle in about a five block radius. Yep. Soaking wet.

So now Melinda is not really moving around that much :(