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måndag 29 februari 2016

Utter cuteness

Polo and Mama Cat having a snuggle :).

Bit rusty

Well, I broke out the clarinet for the first time since high school :). Went pretty good but I need to get some practice music. A bit easier than the one practice book I have. I could play that one when I stopped playing a decade and a half ago. Not now! Am hoping to eventually join a small group or orchestra that plays for fun. I miss it sometimes so I will give it a try :). Totally need practice first though. Started with the weakest reed and only played a short time but my face muscles were not happy!

Well hello there

Gizmo and Huckleberry having a stand off. Gizmo won.

lördag 27 februari 2016

Upside down is best

Mama Cat likes to sleep upside down sometimes.


Trapped by sleeping adorable kitties. Could not get up. No wakey wakey the kitties.

Sleepy kitty

Mama Cat fell asleep between us. We couldn't move for a half hour. Totally worth it so the cuteness was not compromised.

My hedgehog

Since Huckleberry is not too cuddly with the kitties, they have found a replacement hedgehog for cuddle time :).

Box approved

This was a good box. Approved by Gizmo and Polo.

Jesus returns!

He's alive! Ironically, just in time for Easter, I got my replacement Jesus!!!! As some of you may know, I killed my original Alessi Jesus at Christmas. But that's OK, he was destined to come back right? Boyfriend fixed him as good as he could but he still had a gang style bullet hole in his head :(. Alessi was super nice about letting me order a replacement :).

Exploring Uppsala

We were out and about in Uppsala today and finally had the first semla of the season as well :).

There went the windshield

I got hit by a rock on the way to work :(. And as soon as I turned off the car and it got a bit cold, the cracks spread. So I am booked for a new windshield next week. Damn you Stockholm! I blame you!

Hello Kitty #1

Polo is a dedicated Hello Kitty fan, and a dedicated fan of Mom's flannel rag quilts. I got this one for my birthday, but it was immediately appropriated by the other Hello Kitty fan in the house :). I get to use it sometimes....

tisdag 16 februari 2016

My bag

Polo has claimed this bag for her own. She is not supposed to be on the table, but we heard rustling and came out to check. Yep, she found her spot :).

söndag 7 februari 2016

Manicure time

It was time to clip all the little kitty claws today. Polo was very resigned. And not amused.