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lördag 31 mars 2012

Why you pet computer?

You may only pet me!!!!!!!!! Bastet found a happy spot, but being the cuddle whore she is, the attention paid to the laptop was not appreciated. Nope. New people are so hard to train....

onsdag 28 mars 2012

Some days it is just not worth getting up

And today was one of them. Nothing like getting to work and seeing "Melinda=Fag" written on the wall. Just makes me all sunshiny in my fuzzy places. Not. Seriously, what kind of people use words like that? And why?

söndag 25 mars 2012

Finally, after two years...

...I got the hooks for jackets up. Anders came over today and helped drill holes and put up my hooks for coats. Yeah, it only took a couple of years...and now its almost summer and no one will be using coats....but still! All ready for next winter at least!
And Handyman Anders will be back for some shelves and my knife holder thingies :).

The Kitty strikes again

Hello Kitty soda can. The soda was raspberry flavored and actually pretty good. 

Spring is here!

I saw my first Spring flowers today. They were purple and so very pretty and cheerful :).