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tisdag 29 maj 2012


No idea if that is one word or two...way too much Swedish clouding the brain.
Anyhoo. I was reading on my afternoon break, in my car as usual, and this little orange creature crawls right in, head butts my leg to be petted, and starts purring. And who said cats were shy?

lördag 26 maj 2012

Yellow, yellow everywhere

All the rapeseed is blooming now and I love it cause it is such a clear, shocking yellow when the sun is out. Here it is less so, but the sky was really cool just then.

Lazy babies :)

Both my kitties are napping in bed. They don't usually nap next to each other now, so I had to get a cute picture while I could :). Thier friend Siri will be visiting all summer. Sekhmet especially likes it when Siri visits!

fredag 18 maj 2012

Painting, Geeky Painting

Was off painting figures for the fun game I blogged about before, Sunday Geeky Sunday. I am helping Jens paint the figures for it so that it is even more fun :). I painted the dragon. He isn't done yet but he will be blue and silver :). Can't wait to play again!

söndag 13 maj 2012

Horny orchids!

My orchid is having a baby! I've only had that happen one other time! I am so excited :).

fredag 11 maj 2012


Ok, its a hare, but whatever. There is a family of them living nearby in my neighborhood. They come out every spring, so now it is official, warm weather is here! Sort of. And I mean "warm" as in the Swedish idea of "warm", you know, still need long undies, but not the winter coat. No, now we switch to our spring coats. Meaning no down padding, "only" fleece lining. Yeah. Why I stay here again?

Life lessons re-visited

One of my favorites as a kid was the Berenstain Bears. I have bought a few of them to use with my students and it just hit me that I should read a few of them again myself! Talk about life lessons: too much pressure, messy room, and too much junk food. Totally my life. I so need to take some advice from my childhood books. It's just kind of sad and pathetic that it took reading a children's book to give me some perspective. Oh well, no one ever said I was the brightest bulb in the chandelier right? :)

Is my bag!

Sekhmet absolutely adores Siri's carrying bag. Every time Siri is over to visit, Sekhmet goes straight for the bag. Weird cat. I have no idea where she gets her weirdness from....nope, no idea at all....

Root beer floats!

After our first grill of the season, I made small root beer floats for everyone. They thought it was pretty good :). Score one for America!

tisdag 1 maj 2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall

My newly painted old table and my newly painted old mirror are finally up in the hall! And the shoe cabinet thing and the hooks for coats, I am getting close to finishing hall. Squee! Kitchen, check. Hall, almost check.