Google Analyzer

onsdag 1 april 2009

I had to have a fluffy white cat...

This huge pile of fur came from my very small very cute kitty :) It was two whole handfuls of hair!

Well, now I am getting my revenge. It is time to get Sekhmet fixed because she is getting all horny and wanting the boy kitties to visit her...

As much as I would like to have lots of furry little kittens, my pocketbook won't take it so her bits are coming out soon!

But it is sad that she has to have an operation :(

Random Barnyard Animals

These were some random chickens that were on the bike path from ICA and City Gross. I have no idea why they were there or what they were doing...

But at least it is one lucky rooster right? Only one of him and two chickens to worship him. Not a bad deal :)