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tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Swinging birdies

Well my little chickens really are growing up. They have figured out how to flap their way up to the swing and balance there. And sometimes they tuck their heads in and sleep there! Am having a super proud birdie mommy moment :)

måndag 30 augusti 2010

Yearly grill party in Skummeslövstrand

Say that ten times fast! Well it was time for Anders birthday and yearly grill party. And it was, of course, excellent as usual :). This year I had reason to be proud. I made my very own hamburger from scratch! Spices and everything. I touched raw meat to make it a circle! So of course there had to be a picture of it on the grill :)

Not just tanks

There was also a horse drawn oven type thing. It was cool. And the guy driving the horse had the best uniform!
There were also some American vehicles there which was exciting for me. But leave it to the Americans to be the only ones to have a picnic umbrella in their Jeep. Jeez guys even the Germans were out in the rain!

Fun hats :)

Jens and I found some fun hats at the tank day. Jens got to play in the tank and try on a helmet. And later we found cool hats to buy. I am wearing one :). I also got a jacket from the seventies Spanish air force. It looks cool but need to lose a bit more weight before it fits. Soon :)

I think this is the wrong tank Sergei...

Me, Jens, Henrik and Henrik's friend were at Möllerödsdagarna. It was a bunch of fun tanks and other army stuff. And the Germans and the Russians acted out a battle. Afterwards we could climb on some of the tanks and that's when I saw the Russian soldiers on the German tank. I thought that was worth a giggle or two :). At least for us history nerds.

I am the queen of everything

Bastet was cuddling in the hammock and as soon as I wanted to take a photo she assumed the queen face. "This balcony and all its territories are mine".

söndag 29 augusti 2010

All my babies in a row :)

Here are some cute pictures of all my little baby birdies :). They are all out of the nest now and flapping around on their own! Am such a proud birdie mommy :) :) :).

onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Almost the whole family

Here is a picture of all but one of my family of Zebra Finches. The smallest baby is still in the nest :). It's so fun that they are all doing well!

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

Like father like son

Or like mother like daughter. Not sure yet what kind of little chickens I have. But there are two out and about now on a regular basis. Here you see how the little ones learn to perch. Just like daddy. Or mommy :)

söndag 22 augusti 2010

Two Chickens Breaking Free!

Two of my five little chickens are out hopping around!!! They are so cute! You can see the two of them perched here. They fly around and sometimes they miss what they are aiming for but it's so cute anyway :).

lördag 21 augusti 2010

I love birdies!

Well I couldn't resist. I have two Gouldian Finches now too. So I have six grown up birds and five baby birds. The baby birds will have new homes though when they are 8 weeks old. And I named everyone now. Names are as follows, boys first-
Zebra Finches:
Orphues and Eurydice
Owl Finches:
Erebus and Nyx
Gouldian Finches:
Antony and Cleopatra


One of my little chickens was out of the nest when I came home yesterday! They are growing up :(. I stuffed him back in when he started begging for food though. And the internet said you should put them back in at night so they don't get cold. But all five babies seem to be doing great :). I really hope they make it even if I can't keep them :(. I would like to keep one but I would have to get a new cage because the babies can't be with the parents once they are sexually mature. They might boinky boinky with each other and they shouldn't do that. Incest bad.

torsdag 19 augusti 2010

How many finches can you fit in a tiny basket?

Two adults and five babies! It is crowded in the Zebra Finch nest today :). So my proud parents have five babies. Four have grown feathers and are all fuzzy.  But one must have have hatched a few days later than the others cause he is still all pink and naked. It is kind of funny to look in and see one naked baby surrounded by four fuzzy babies :).

onsdag 18 augusti 2010

IKEA Heart

Jimmie and I were at IKEA today. I had two meatballs and a bite of this fun heart shaped cake :). It was quite tasty but more importantly it was quite pretty :).

My new birdies :)

Here is a cute picture of my new birdies. They are Double Barred Finches or Owl Finches. They are so pretty and sound so cute when they sing! And they were being cute when I took the photo because they are sharing a swing. Ahhhh so cute no? They don't have names yet. Soon I hope!

Possible new kitty friend >^•.•^<

Erika and Markus are going to get a kitty!!! They have decided to
adopt from Kattstödet i Lund. So last Sunday I got to go with when
they looked at all the kitties. It was so fun! Mummy was so very
unfaithful that afternoon. So many kitties to meet and play with yet
so little time!!! Erika and Markus have decided on a kitty. It's not
the one from this picture but she is just as cute :). If not cuter :).
In this picture is a kitty they considered. He was quite cuddly and
playful and friendly. I thought about bringing him home so he could
chase Sekhmet into skinniness but I resisted. I resisted all the
kitties. I deserve a medal.

Engines are so over rated

While we were at Hovdala slott we saw the coolest thing: a horse drawn
lawn mower. How cool is that?!? Must save on gas and is better for the
environment. I had no idea such a thing existed!

Coolest job ever :)

Every year at my job there is a meeting to start off the new school
term and get everything planned and ready. Every year my boss has this
meeting at a different castle. So cool! This was my first meeting
starting the year. I was hired after the official school start last
year. This year we were at Hovdala slott just outside Hässleholm. It
was so pretty and well preserved. Much more fun to start the year
someplace like this rather than same old same old at the regular
office! Plus I am a history whore, especially old castles and
churches, so it was twice as fun for me :)

Paper mountain

I figured since I took a picture of the giant tape ball, I could take
a picture of the giant paper mountain that we had after we finished
painting. It was a fair bit of paper. Just like it was a fair bit of


While painting and cleaning upstairs we found this video. Roughly
translated it says "Becoming a man". I thought it was some kind of
joke tape but nope. It's a real tape put out by Arbetareskyddsnämnden.
Roughly translated an organisation for workers. I laughed a bit. Ok a

söndag 15 augusti 2010

Anyone need tape? Anyone?

Here is a fun photo of all the tape we used while painting classrooms.
It was a lot. We are having a contest later to see who guesses closest
to the number of meters we used :).

torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Painting break!

Erika and I are re-painting two classrooms and the hall way at work.
We are almost done and today we took up all the paper. That was when I
noticed what a perfect pillow shape the paper was in. It seemed almost
rude not to try it out :). So we took a break!

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Oh dear :(

I was at my friend Emma's wedding when I saw this. The wedding was
wonderful! So pretty! The church was gorgeous. And the reception was
in a place next to the church that I think used to be a farm or the
pastor's house. It was quite big. They had a pre-school or day care
there as well as the reception area so parts of the building has much
evidence of children. Most of it was cute but this one made me giggle.
It was in the bathroom next to the day care. A pretty deep poster to
be hanging in the toilet I thought. Then I thought, perhaps it was
strategic. You could see it from the "throne" so you had something to
contemplate while doing business. And the little tyckes get the
message several times a day. If they can read at that age?

When the cat's away...

...the mice will park however they want! It was just funny that no one
was at work except me and Erika. So I parked diagonally across more
than one space :). Just cause I could :). No other reason :). By the
way this is my new car. I have decided to name her Lucille. After
Lucille Ball from "I Love Lucy" because she had red hair and my car is
red :).

måndag 9 augusti 2010


I had on my jeans today. Bought when I was at my fattest. I don't
remember the size just now. But they were close to falling down a
couple of times now. So here you can see the distance between my belly
and the waist of my jeans. Several centimeters got into the gap :)

Pretty classrooms :)

Erika and I are painting the classrooms at school. We got tired of
marked up walls and what not. So we decided to take a few days to
remedy the situation :). Holy cow balls could you see the
difference!!! We kept catching ourselves just staring at the newly
painted walls and saying "It's just so pretty!".

söndag 8 augusti 2010

80's Flashback

That's right. I saw a body suit in a store the other day. For those of
you that need refreshing: body suits were shirts that had a swim suit
like bottom so you could have that tucked in look without all the
wrinkles and bunched up fabric. You could also have really tight
shirts that looked all tucked in without having them ride up out of
your pants all the time. I never expected to see one just hanging out
a store. But there it was.

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Random plant

There was a plant in the middle of the square. Someone planted it
there on purpose. They left the care tags in the dirt and everything.
Weird. It was in the paper apparently so it it's not just a random
plant. It's a slightly famous plant too. It just looked so funny all
by itself in a sea of cobblestone :).

måndag 2 augusti 2010

Unfaithfulness continues :)

After a nice afternoon in town, Jimmie and I decided to get Thai food
and eat outside at his place. He had clean forks. I did not (don't
ask). He brought Siri out and she had a great time rolling around in
the dirt and cuddling with the bushes. So cute! Then I had to go home
to Bastet and Sekhmet and tell them that mummy had been unfaithful not
once, but twice (!) during the day. I think they will forgive me. I do
hold power over their food after all.

Mommy was unfaithful >^•.•^<

Jimmie and I were in town today and we met the cutest kitty! And my
goodness did she want to cuddle! She tried to bite Jimmie though when
he pet her tummy too long :(. But so cute!

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Waiting for snacks

Sekhmet's favorite snacks in the whole wide world are those long
legged mosquitos. There were two that got into the apartment tonight
so Sekhmet was super happy...until they got into the lamp and kind of
died. I draw the line at picking them out for her to munch on. If she
catches them, sure, but otherwise I can't help.