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torsdag 25 februari 2010

More kitchen pics!

Here are more views of my lovely lovely kitchen :). And my super cool
huge pretty lamp! It was very hard to put the lamp together.

My pretty kitchen :)

So now I have finally finished the kitchen!!! It's all pretty and
organized and clean and lovely. And oh so many wonderful colors!!! I
love colors!!!

torsdag 11 februari 2010

Ah the modern world

In this day and age of wireless Internet this was a site too fun to
pass without taking a photo. And then proceeding to send said photo to
my blog by email using my mobile phone. Which connects to a magic wave
of something or other which in turn connects to the Internet. All
without wires. Amazing. And I am a poorly paid teacher with these
magical abilities. This place with all the wires is a large well off
company modern in every way. Except this. Apparently.

måndag 8 februari 2010

Pore strips!

Roomie and I are trying out pore strips. Makes a super sexy photo no? ;)

Is that a sofa or a Roomie?

Bastet doesn't really care either way. She just turns a few circles
and makes herself comfy. We were kind of watching a movie but that's
just the sacrifice you have to make right Roomie? Movie versus cats
ass in face. Hmmm....

torsdag 4 februari 2010

Interesting advertising...

I saw this in town today. Someone built a snow cave, put a mommy and
baby tiger, a bike wheel and spray paint on it and now everyone looks.
Brilliant if I do say so myself.

Heavy TV and a Lost Flipflop

Well since there was like two feet of snow on the ground we thought
this was an excellent time for me to pick up my free tv from Jimmie's
place. Makes sense right? So after pushing the tv all the way to the
car (free means heavy, 55 kilos heavy) it had to go over the snow
drifft. That was when Jimmie lost his flipflops. In the snow drift of
course. Where else? :). So we found those. Then we got the monster
into the car and to my place. Then more pushing (and assloads of
laughing) got to the stairs where we made a bit of noise and then a
neighbor came out to help. Thus ended the adventure of the infamous tv.

A well packed Peugot

Roomie, Jimmie and I went to Malmö and poor Lucy (the car) was never
so packed full of stuff! Very well packed if I might add :).

onsdag 3 februari 2010

Life is good :)

My two kitties let me share the bed. Not the other way around. Aren't
they just super cute? And yes I am a crazy cat lady and think of my
cats as my very own children...but who wouldn't?!?

Bastet says...

... I do believe that this is my book. It is definitely not your book.
My book. And don't even think about going for the computer buddy!

Fun with Skånska :)

In order to help Roomie with spelling in Swedish I bought lettts for
the fridge. My friend Ellie was here studying and we took a break to
teach Roomie some Skånska :)