I finally found the damn movie I was trying to remember for two months in a row. Very very bad eighties early nighnties dance movie. Shoulder pads, water beds, cheesy story, cheesy bad guys, all the good markers of a future Good Bad Movie Night film (insert evil laughter here).
torsdag 30 juni 2011
Cat nip?
No Maggie, that's the tomato plant. Mom had just dug up a huge bunch of cat nip, and after rolling around like a whore in heat in the hole where the cat nip was, Maggie moved on to the tomatoes. No doubt disappointed :).
Get out the climbing gear!
Getting into my brother's truck is always fun. It's so far up I have to heave my fat ass in using the "oh shit" bar :). And, yes, I did borrow my brother's NRA hat when we were shooting. It seemed appropriate :).
I got to shoot Billy's little .22. I also tried to shoot the cutest little deringer but I couldn't manage :(. The trigger goes down and back, not just back, and I didn't have the strength or big enough hands (which is funny given its size) to pull the trigger. The trigger is made hard to pull cause people keep them in their pockets and that would suck if it had an easy trigger :(. Still I almost felt like a guy must feel not being able to get it up. I couldn't shoot what must have been the world's dinkiest gun! I did chicken out on the .45 pistol too. Too scared of the recoil. Maybe next time :).
Targets-Gophers must die!
Ok, not real gophers, calm down Swedes. It was a cool target though, my brother said it was "self-healing". And it was! When we went to get it there were only tiny holes from what I can promise you were many many bullets. But its a special kind of compressed plastic I guess that expands to close the hole when its shot. The other Target was fun too. The ones hanging down get shot up and stay then you shoot the top one last and it releases the others. Much fun :).
Many guns...
Of course :). Went shooting today with Billy and Lori and their armory. It was very fun :). My favorite is the .22 pistol and rifle with the fancy scope that made it possible to hit stuff lots of times :). And one of the guns was my grandpa's from way back. Like shooting history sort of.
Redneck much?
My brother loading magazines for our shooting trip the next day. Here we load our ammo on the couch in front of the tv :).
It's official!
I am back at Wal-Mart for the summer. I am looking forward to it, less stress than teaching and I have missed everyone there :). I start for reals on Friday, wish me luck!
Mana's zoo
I got to see Amanda :). And her very wonderful, pretty, new house. And her super cute zoo, including a new happy puppy :). We will meet lots this summer!
Fun drink from Japan, via Oklahoma
I love these drinks from Japan! I still haven't seen them in Sweden. You open it by pushing down a marble into the bottle using the little plug. It's so cool :).
Best book store ever!
Mom took me to her used book store and I am in love :). So many books and so frickin' cheap! I am having to control myself but its not easy...
Flip flop weather
So among the first purchases made here in the old US of A was a pair of flip flops. Way to hot for any footwear requiring socks. Unless I'm in the air conditioning. Then I have two pairs of socks and long johns on. Still not used to it, but hey, its been years right?
lördag 25 juni 2011
Just like in the movies
Hard liquor in brown paper bags. Shhh, people aren't supposed to know that you are leaving the liquor store with actual liquor. Gasp!
My brother's girlfriend likes to play scrabble and I guess every week or so she plays with a friend. I got to join them and it was fun! Even though I lost a lot :).
Swimming pool!
In addition to the fancy golf course, my brother and his girlfriend live in a place with a pool! I am so spending as much time there as possible. No more pasty Swedishness for Melinda, no sir!
tisdag 21 juni 2011
View from my temporary home
My brother likes to play golf which is the main reason he and his girlfriend got a place here. So here is the view of part of the golf course from the front door. Sorry Tina, Andreas, and Anders that I am not a golfer myself, otherwise it would be very very close!
I'll put up posts about the pool later too, might as well get people good and jealous while I am at at no? ;)
Happy Anniversary!

It was one year ago today that I did my gastric bypass. So far I have not regretted doing it at all! Which is a good thing :). I have lost a lot of weight, I feel better, and I have to get all new clothes! When I started the process I weighed 136 kilos. When I had the surgery I weighed 130 kilos. Now I weigh 86 kilos. I still have some to go, but all in all I am very happy with the progress I have made. Some of the doctors want me to weigh 60 kilos, some are happy with 70. Quite frankly I am aiming for like 75 and I will be a super happy person. If I make it down to 70 or 60 then good deal, if not, meh.
I am putting up some photos here and my measurements so that everyone can see what a difference there is, not just in weight. I have actually refrained from measuring until now, I wanted to be able to do it after a year and be really shocked, which I am hoping I am!
Here are the old measurements:
Upper Arm: 49
Shin: 50
Chest: 137
Neck: 37,5
Waist: 131
Knee: 47
Hips: 150
Elbow: 28,5
Thigh: 88
And here are the new measurements:
Upper Arm: 33 Minus 16 cm
Shin: 39 Minus 11
Chest: 102 Minus 35 cm
Neck: 30 Minus 7,5
Waist: 93 Minus 38 cm
Knee: 37 Minus 10 cm
Hips: 112 Minus 38 cm
Elbow: 20 Minus 8,5 cm
Thigh: 61 Minus 27 cm
Total number of centimeters lost: 191
I would like to point out that I am 168 cm tall. I have lost more centimeters than my height! That is like Billy my brother tall! And enough kilos to equal a whole other person, albeit a small person, but still. 50 kilos is pretty average for many women. Man it feels good :).
I will be putting up more pictures of the new me now that I am not trying to keep it all on the down low for my anniversary blog post :). Plus now I actually don't mind having photos taken, or trying on clothes or any of those things I had so many problems with before :).
Land of weather
It is lightening again and a bit of stormy rain and hail. I have already gotten back into the habit of checking the little weather map on the tv.
My summer wheels :)
I am driving my brother's second truck while I am here. It is very different from my little Toyota Aygo :).
måndag 20 juni 2011
Even though I have missed my American food something crazy I still have moments where I doubt my own culture....and the pancake wrapped sausage on a stick is one such moment.
My new home :)
Here is the sign I park in front of at my brother and his girlfriend's place where I will be staying for the summer. The apartment is connected to a golf course so here is the fair warning :).
fredag 17 juni 2011
Another bag for the collection
As many of you know I am a bit of a bag whore. You know, the Eco friendly ones you can get at the grocery store. Well, I had to get some stuff at the market here, deodorant mostly, and soap. I couldn't actually find any plastic bags so I am now the proud owner of a bag from a grocery store in the middle of bum fuck no where Germany. Yippee.
Fucking Germans!
How come the Germans get to have Fruit Loops? Why can't Swedes see the wonderfulness of the Fruit Loops?
Living it up airport hotel style...again
Well here is my room here in Frankfurt. Lovely view of the roof and an industrial park. But it has the cutest little shower ever! A tiny bathtub, shower-like thing. Anyway, you can tell I am bored no?
Stuck in Germany :(

I have no luck with travel! This past Christmas I was stuck in Copenhagen for two days before getting home, now I am stuck in Germany for one day and night! There was a problem with the towers here or something so our plane from Copenhagen was late. I got here just in time to see my plane fly off into the wild blue yonder. But they gave me a hotel and a food voucher, so all is not lost. And I will get home tomorrow :).
Lots of seat belt left!
Office decoration update
I've added to my office decor today :). Kristen gave me the Buffy poster from when she was younger and the show came out. Jens gave me the swallows, my favorite Minoan fresco. And Jens girlfriend gave me the cool one with my name, all the way from China! Edward and Hello Kitty were already there, but I think they like the new company. Except for Edward, Angel could be seem as competition and poor Edward already has to deal with having Jacob across the way at Erika's desk :(.
The perfect strawberry
At my little going away picnic, Emma brought strawberries and this perfect one was in there. I don't think I've ever seen one that perfect!
söndag 12 juni 2011
Let them eat cake!
This isn't on here as one of my funny t-shirts, but only cause its a sweat shirt. It's Marie Antoinnette.
And its politically incorrect and not quite tasteful. Just like me :).
Up with the zipper...down with the zipper...up with the zipper...
On with her head...off with her head...on with her head...
Funny t-shirt count down #10
I hate changing the toilet paper roll. I know it takes two seconds but I just hate it. I also hate filling ice cube trays. Plus Billy and I used to watch MacGyver on tv when we were kids. So this t-shirt was perfect for me :).
Another pretty dress
I wore this one to Jimmie's birthday party. I bought it in the US last time I got skinnier and now it fits again!
Stupid, frustrating puzzle!
Anders M. had this puzzle at his place. I couldn't figure it out and had to cheat with Anders P. helping :(. Stupid puzzle :(.