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torsdag 29 juli 2010

Possible new family member

I have been going back and forth for a while now about getting a dog.
I think it would be a really good thing for me. It would mean more
exercise, getting out of the house and most importantly routines.
Having that kind of routine and dependance would be a good way to
force me to be out and about and more active. I have always thought I
wouldn't want a bigger dog. As many of my friends can tell you I have
always said I would have what I call a "one hand" dog. Meaning that it
should only take one hand to pick up the poo. But I was looking at
dogs today and yesterday and I saw the Siberian Husky. I have always
thought they were so beautiful. And at first I thought, no way, too
big. But the females are not as big as the males either so that might
work. And they are nice social dogs. And if they are socialized as a
puppy to my cats and other pets they will consider them part of their
flock. Squirrels and cats outside though are fair game, which is why
all the sites say that huskies should be leashed when out walking at
all times. And as for exercise, there is actually carts and scooters
made for training the huskies on dry land. They love to pull, what
with being sled dogs and all. So it is possible to have a "sled" with
wheels and then they can pull to their heart's content :). Am going to
think about it and keep reading. If I do decide to get a husky it
won't be until the spring. That way I can have my vacation in June
from school I have several weeks to train the little puppy :). But
it's still just a thought so no one has to worry that a puppy will
show up in the very near future (yes, Jens, I do mean you!). And of
course if I get a puppy I won't get a bunny. Probably.

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