Google Analyzer

tisdag 6 juli 2010

(Almost) "Real" food

I graduated today from liquids to puréed food!!! Yay me :). I had
mashed potatoes, mashed carrots and that pile that looks like
ketchup? That is pasta bolognese from the baby food section. I was so
happy to be able to sort of chew stuff. So now three weeks of puréed
food and then after that I can finally have some normal food. Still
only about 2 dl of it, but normal. I miss it :(. I had a dream the
other night that bordered on indecent about being able to eat a
sandwich. That's when you know it's bad. I'm not even dreaming about
donuts and cakes and candy. Just a sandwich. Not even a great
sandwich, just an average sandwich. Weird huh?

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