Google Analyzer

söndag 16 oktober 2011


I finally got a door buzzer-no longer-need-to-toss-keys
-out-window-device in my apartment! People push the button. It rings. I answer. Determine people in question are not a serial killer. I push button. Magic happens and outer door opens. Without having to go downstairs! Ah modern technology, how I do love thee. Now some of you are probably wondering, why such big deal? Well, I will tell you (just in case you were worried I might not. As if, ha!). They lock the damn outer at the ungodly hour of 18 o' clock. I mean shit people WTF? And having a party, running down to let each guest in? There were times I've been tempted to just hang my spare key next to the outer door and say, fuck it, at least my peeps will get in alongside the robbers and creepy serial killer types.
So now I'm happy and able to keep my reputation as a lazy American, opening the outer door from my apartment. Now if only I didn't have to heave my not-so-fat-these-days-ass off the sofa to hit the magic door opener button....Bastet, mommy has a project for you....

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