Nope. It's my new blackhead remover mask magic substance. Although getting all camo painted and pretending to attack surrounding neighborhood sounded fun. Kinda like when we were little and dashed around like Charlie's Angels? The Voices vetoed :(.
This is supposed to be magic stuff, as previously implied. Have only used it once so far, but will let you know!
One of the Voices would also like me to explain that, while I am well aware that a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt can be considered cute and quirky, the matching jammy pants were a bit too much. Won't happen again.
lördag 29 oktober 2011
Secret night time recon operation?
I left my cave!
I've been feeling pretty anti-social for most of this year. Then I went home for a summer and I came back a somewhat changed woman! No I don't bounce out every evening like a hyper hamster in speed, but I'm going out every now again. With people! Real, live people! Not just the ones in my books! Or just the voices! Although the voices help decide where I go, and with whom. Have to be liked by the voices :).
Anyhoo. The voices told me to go to Spacelab with Maria, her new guy Filip, and Marija. It was so fun! It's kind of an alternative after work thing. Fun music, some synt which I like, trivia and burgers. So going again next month!
Where will the voices take me next I wonder....
söndag 16 oktober 2011
Bastet was supposed to be learning how to hit the button that opens the outer door so that mommy wouldn't have to get off the sofa. She is so not fact, this looks like napping...bad kitty!
I finally got a door buzzer-no longer-need-to-toss-keys
-out-window-device in my apartment! People push the button. It rings. I answer. Determine people in question are not a serial killer. I push button. Magic happens and outer door opens. Without having to go downstairs! Ah modern technology, how I do love thee. Now some of you are probably wondering, why such big deal? Well, I will tell you (just in case you were worried I might not. As if, ha!). They lock the damn outer at the ungodly hour of 18 o' clock. I mean shit people WTF? And having a party, running down to let each guest in? There were times I've been tempted to just hang my spare key next to the outer door and say, fuck it, at least my peeps will get in alongside the robbers and creepy serial killer types.
So now I'm happy and able to keep my reputation as a lazy American, opening the outer door from my apartment. Now if only I didn't have to heave my not-so-fat-these-days-ass off the sofa to hit the magic door opener button....Bastet, mommy has a project for you....
måndag 3 oktober 2011
One and only swim
This weekend was probably the last nice weekend before fall and winter hit. So me and my roomie and Jens and his girlfriend went to Bjärred for one last ice cream. We walked out on the pier and when we felt the water, Jens and I spontaneously decided to jump in. It was cold, yes, but not the super evil cold. We jumped in and out and it was rather refreshing. Had to go home commando though cause I jumped in in my undies. Swedish enough to hop into the cold ocean, not Swedish enough to do it naked. Yet. Give me time :).