It's just not Christmas without the creepy straw goat lurking somewhere.
fredag 30 december 2011
Fudge it all to hell!
I tried to make fudge. I got a craving for mom's fudge. Sue me. So I called mom, got the recipe, made a (very expensive, shudder) trip to the American Store and set out to fix my fudge. Erika helped and we were pretty proud, if I do say so myself. But that did not last long. You see, when I talked to mom, it was one cup evaporated milk, but she meant one fudge turned out kinda gritty and crumbling :(. But I will not give up, no siree Bob! I got more evaporated milk and I'm gonna kick some fudge ass!
Or if all else fails, call mom and beg her to FedEx me know, whatever :).
Alessi expands!
As most of you know, I adore design, especially in the kitchen. I am a total Alessi whore when it comes to kitchen stuff. But last year I expanded my Alessi horizons when I got this nativity set from friends for my birthday :). So we see into which other rooms, besides the kitchen, that Alessi starts to take over.
Best Birthday Gift
This was one of the best birthday gifts. Mom sent it to me. It is a book, of course, that we used to read before for Christmas. But it was so special cause it is being read to me by mom! Every time you turn the page, it is mom's voice reading that page. Yeah, I cried :).
Cutest Christmas Tree Ever!
Since it was just Jimmie and me for Christmas, I decided not to go nuts with the decorating or anything, but we had to have a tree! This one was perfect, only like a meter tall, but so cute :). It made Christmas that little bit more Christmassy.
söndag 11 december 2011
Coloring my way to a stress free existence
I have re-discovered my love of coloring off and on over the past few years. It really does make me relax, which at the moment is a good thing. Here you can see one finished page and my current work in progress. It is quite ambitious, but I am enjoying it :).
lördag 10 december 2011
Sekhmet joins the Dark Side
Sekhmet is, as many of you know, not the social, attention seeking cuddle whore that Bastet is. Sekhmet does sleep in bed with us sometimes but always down at the bottom corner. But ever since Mommy got an electric blanket she has been inching her way closer and closer to where Bastet sleeps. Now they are sleeping side side :). So cute, no?
Murder at Angmar
lördag 3 december 2011
Coincidence or social commentary?
Not sure if the pharmacy fully considered the implications of this particular placement. For the non-Swedes, "djur" is animals and "man" is, well, man. But putting them right next to each other all on their was rather funny :). But like I said, not sure if it was on purpose...or accident....inquiring minds may never know!
fredag 18 november 2011
Oklahoma in a nutshell
Seriously could not be more true. All you have to have to do now is throw in all the dangerous critters and rednecks with guns, and we got a party!
onsdag 16 november 2011
Wonder Woman
Some days I really do wish I was Wonder Woman. I always feel behind and wish I could get more done, better and faster. But I never live up to those expectations. I made lots of "To Do" lists now in my Wonder Woman notebook. We shall see when and if I get them done. I have high hopes for the Christmas break. Maybe?
My pillow :(
Nothing is sacred. Damn cat started sleeping in the middle of my damn pillow. Sorry! Her damn pillow. Not mine. What was I thinking?
It was the 11th of November 2011 last week, and I captured the clock at 11:11. Kind of fun :). But as a friend pointed out, it was not really only 1's across the board unless you abbreviated the year. Otherwise, the last time it was all 1's was a little less than 1000 years ago. Still, apparently lots of people got married at that time last week.
fredag 11 november 2011
Out of the cave again!
I left my cave yet again. I am so very proud :) As are the majority of my Voices. They decided I should go out. They also decided that since we only go out every now and again it was ok to have fun and wear a dress! So I pulled my fifties Gothic houewife dress out of the closet, dusted it and a pair of high heels off, and had a great time :). I went to my second Spacelab with Maria and company. It was very fun again, and this time we only missed two questions on the quiz! Since I have been sick off and on for about three weeks, I did decide to go home quite early and not go to the club after. But I was still out and about for several hours!
tisdag 8 november 2011
Adding Tags or Labels

Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I will be adding tags or labels or whatever you call them to my posts. But there are ALOT of posts!!! So it might take me a while to get it done. Just so you are not confused looking at the "cloud" of tags over to your right (yep, to the right, scroll down, bit more, don't be shy, there you go!).
Now, for example, there are lots of "Wal-mart" tags. That is because I just finished tagging bunches of summer posts, which I wrote while working guessed it...Wal-mart! By the time I am done there will lots under "Cats" and "Birds" especially, for example. So there are more tags to come, and they will all balance out more as I get more done. Just figured I would explain :).
lördag 5 november 2011
Advertising is key
Since I was in Malmö today, I went to both the English Shop and the American Store. They are on the same city block. And both places have both British and American stuff. Today it was the British store first. I bought some things, then off to the American store, where I bought even more things. Then something funny happened. I had my bag from the English Shop on the counter while I paid, and suddenly the guy grabbed it and put it in a second American Store bag. First I was like, What the hell? Then I got it, he didn't want me walking around with the "enemy" bag :). So funny! So I gave in of course. As an American it is clear with which store my loyalties lie. But it is hard to say no to the Cadbury eggs at the English Shop....
First poop to the toilet wins!
This is a game about poop. Yep. Poop. From the same place that brought us the poop and pee book as well as stuffed representations of poop and pee, we now have the board game. So the various bits of poop play across the board till you get to the finish line. A toilet. Makes sense at least. Yeah. I'm just not sure what to say about this one.
Pizza Hut
Every now and again I get a craving for American food. And American pizza. Luckily, we have a Pizza Hut in Malmö :). I dragged Erika there today and I got my pepperoni pizza with extra cheese :). Life is good!
Fall is here
It's that time of year. The leaves are falling off, its getting colder. Time to break out the warm jackets and hot chocolate. Jimmie and I went to Skrylle to enjoy the leaves and a very nice lunch.
lördag 29 oktober 2011
Secret night time recon operation?
Nope. It's my new blackhead remover mask magic substance. Although getting all camo painted and pretending to attack surrounding neighborhood sounded fun. Kinda like when we were little and dashed around like Charlie's Angels? The Voices vetoed :(.
This is supposed to be magic stuff, as previously implied. Have only used it once so far, but will let you know!
One of the Voices would also like me to explain that, while I am well aware that a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt can be considered cute and quirky, the matching jammy pants were a bit too much. Won't happen again.
I left my cave!
I've been feeling pretty anti-social for most of this year. Then I went home for a summer and I came back a somewhat changed woman! No I don't bounce out every evening like a hyper hamster in speed, but I'm going out every now again. With people! Real, live people! Not just the ones in my books! Or just the voices! Although the voices help decide where I go, and with whom. Have to be liked by the voices :).
Anyhoo. The voices told me to go to Spacelab with Maria, her new guy Filip, and Marija. It was so fun! It's kind of an alternative after work thing. Fun music, some synt which I like, trivia and burgers. So going again next month!
Where will the voices take me next I wonder....
söndag 16 oktober 2011
Bastet was supposed to be learning how to hit the button that opens the outer door so that mommy wouldn't have to get off the sofa. She is so not fact, this looks like napping...bad kitty!
I finally got a door buzzer-no longer-need-to-toss-keys
-out-window-device in my apartment! People push the button. It rings. I answer. Determine people in question are not a serial killer. I push button. Magic happens and outer door opens. Without having to go downstairs! Ah modern technology, how I do love thee. Now some of you are probably wondering, why such big deal? Well, I will tell you (just in case you were worried I might not. As if, ha!). They lock the damn outer at the ungodly hour of 18 o' clock. I mean shit people WTF? And having a party, running down to let each guest in? There were times I've been tempted to just hang my spare key next to the outer door and say, fuck it, at least my peeps will get in alongside the robbers and creepy serial killer types.
So now I'm happy and able to keep my reputation as a lazy American, opening the outer door from my apartment. Now if only I didn't have to heave my not-so-fat-these-days-ass off the sofa to hit the magic door opener button....Bastet, mommy has a project for you....
måndag 3 oktober 2011
One and only swim
This weekend was probably the last nice weekend before fall and winter hit. So me and my roomie and Jens and his girlfriend went to Bjärred for one last ice cream. We walked out on the pier and when we felt the water, Jens and I spontaneously decided to jump in. It was cold, yes, but not the super evil cold. We jumped in and out and it was rather refreshing. Had to go home commando though cause I jumped in in my undies. Swedish enough to hop into the cold ocean, not Swedish enough to do it naked. Yet. Give me time :).
onsdag 28 september 2011
Coolest book ever!
It's a tiny tiny book. So cute! And its printed so you read it sideways from how you would a normal book. Which took a few pages to get used to, but I like it. And it fits much better in my purse. I am hoping it is a format that will catch on. Maybe not for all books, but novels and so are great like this, I think.
I got me some culture
I went to a wonderful concert with Jimmie and his work friend. It was viola and piano at the Museum of Sketches. It was great! It has been awhile since I have been to this kind of concert so I enjoyed it :). I even put on real, fancy pants and everything. Jimmie was relieved :).
tisdag 13 september 2011
After much much much begging I got my white doors today :). It is so much lighter now that the wooden doors are gone! So all you doubters about my happy colored walls can suck it! Now my doors match and my long term evil plan for decorating is slowly taking form mwah ha ha ha!!!
söndag 11 september 2011
I got an Indian!
I love tootsie pops :). I bought some in the US this summer but am already down to my last few :(. Yes, people in the US, that was an obvious hint. Anyway, remember when we were little, we could turn in the wrapper for a free one if it had the Indian shooting a bow and arrow at a star. Cool huh?
Belated Midsummer
Since I missed Midsummer this year a friend took me on a wonderful picnic with strawberries to make up for it. Wasn't that nice :).
Three kitties :)
I had Siri to visit this weekend and one day I came in to all three kitties napping in my room, so cute!
lördag 27 augusti 2011
Zombie Family!
In the US a lot of people have these stickers on their cars, little people that show the family, mom dad kids etc. I really liked this version I found, with zombies, for my family :). I have the birds too of course, but they didn't have one for zombie birds :(. Discrimination I tell you.
torsdag 25 augusti 2011
måndag 15 augusti 2011
Ear candling

More shooting

Good bye night at the pub
Someone missed history class...
American pizza!
Official store kitty
måndag 8 augusti 2011
Yes, it does hurt...duh

The first question after showing up with a new tattoo is always, "Did it hurt?". Yes, it fucking hurt, there are several needles digging into your skin at the same time! Although, there are levels of hurt as I found out this time, cause I did two tattoos in two places in one sitting. The one on the wrist hurt more than the one on my back. By a lot. And Fred was about ten times the size of the moon and stars. But I am glad now I am out of wrists, cause man alive that does sting a smidge! Luckily Lori had me to hang onto for hers, but I had to rest my forehead on my hands for Fred, so no joy there. She got to return the favor during the moon and stars though! Right Lori? Sorry bout the broken hand.... ;)
Huge grass fire

Because it is so hot and dry outside this summer, there have been many grass fires around the state. Craig said he was re-routed twice on the way back from Oklahoma City cause of fires, and today we saw this one on the way back from Tulsa. It was huge, this picture only shows a part of it. Grass fires are very dangerous and scary, and this time of year, they are usually started by some idiot throwing a cigarette or a glass bottle out of their window. Oklahoma has had a burn ban pretty much since spring, and guess what people? There is a reason for it! So please be careful what you leave behind and what you do this summer.