Google Analyzer

onsdag 2 juni 2010

The crown princess engagement merchandise extravaganza!

Ok. I get that the crown princess is getting married. I get that it's
a big deal. But check out all this merchandise! Who the hell buys
this shit? Really? I personally do not feel the need to have the
princess's face on everything I own. But that's just me. I bought a
magnet with their engagement picture (so clearly I am one of the
people buying this stuff) but I am not sure now that people will catch
the heavy sense of sarcastic irony involved in actually having it on
my fridge. Know why I want to have it there? So I can regularly point
at it and laugh at that guys hair. I so just want to inform him that
greasy sleaze was so last season.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

My grandmother would have had a lot of those I tell you.

Oh, you might laugh at his hair, but I promise he's laughing all the way driving his new shiny car over all those who purchased that little fridge pin giving him royalty (a royal royalty?)