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onsdag 8 juli 2009

Credit Cards

Well today I was at the welfare office and that was an experience. A
good one. I now have to take control of my life. Weight and spending
are things I have never taken control of. I never had to until now
really. There was always a way to get more money and spend more money
on more things and lately it has been borrowing money to make
payments on the money i borrowed before! Spending is very much no
longer an option. Borrowing money to pay bills and buy more stuff was
ok maybe (and that is a big maybe) when I had my extra job but even
then I spent too much money. In typical fashion for a compulsive
personality I just kept buying things hoping I would feel better. I
never did. Not for very long anyway. Just like eating never makes me
feel better for very long. So now when I make a payment I won't be
able to spend the money again right away. And hopefully since I am now
unable to shop I will spend more time at the gym. Let's hope so anyway!

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