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tisdag 30 augusti 2016

Bullet journal toolbox

I needed a good place to keep my ever growing pile of supplies for my bullet journal. I saw someone on Facebook or Pinterest that used a toolbox and thought "that would be handy". So off to the hardware store we went (we being the royal we of course. And the voices.  They are always along for the ride). I found this one that had nice turquoise details. It turned out to be perfect :). All ready to get started!!!

Bullet journal

I finally got my bullet journal! It traveled here all the way from Germany. I have decided to start one. And Erika got me going too. I totally blame her :). I think it will be a good system for me though. If I can keep it up. Wish me luck!

måndag 29 augusti 2016

We are not amused

Huckleberry gets a bath every week when his cage is cleaned. He doesn't seem to mind the bath part much but he hates the getting dry part.

torsdag 25 augusti 2016

Pet me human!

Mama Cat getting her evening pets :).

Peek a chu

Peek a boo! To keep him safe I put my Pikachu in my Trapper Keeper pocket. He's just peeking out the top.


My friend Gwen made me a Pikachu!! She also made Hello Kitty Star Wars ones. I am so making them too!!!

onsdag 24 augusti 2016

Foods faster?

The ham was not getting to them fast enough so Polo and Gizmo stretched up to see what the delay was.


They heard the crinkle of the ham package.

tisdag 23 augusti 2016

Comfy Bastet

Bastet is all comfy for her nap :).

lördag 20 augusti 2016

Jätten Finn

In the crypt of the cathedral is the statue of Finn the Giant. His wife and son are on the other side. Finn built the church for St. Laurence. When it to came close to being done, the saint told Finn that he could not pay him for building the church. He wanted Finn to just accept this and call it a favor or tribute to the church and God. Eventually Finn said if St. Laurence  could guess his name before the cathedral was finished then he would not demand payment. But if he won this little bet he would get paid and take out the eyes of the saint. The saint was able to guess Finn's name just before the last stone was laid. The saint had overheard Finn's  wife saying the name to their son. So when Finn realized there would be no payment, he and his wife ran to tear the cathedral down. But, of course, God intervened and turned Finn and his wife and son into stone, saving the cathedral. And there they are even today.

Excuse me, do you have the time?

We went inside the cathedral  and visited the clock. Siegfried was very disappointed that we had just missed the time when it goes off. Maybe next time :).

Ummm ok?

The restaurant across from the pizza slice place had a pretty cool counter. It had a knife in it. Siegfried was scared to get too close. Just in case he was next...


I got to have my favorite pizza slice for lunch. It's in Saluhallen and it's been forever since I had one! Siegfried  thought Erika's lasagne looked better. Silly sock monkey.

It's raining umbrellas

We were not sure what this is supposed to be or why it is there. But it certainly looked cool! Siegfried wanted to know why some of the umbrellas were closed.

You scream, I scream....

....we all scream for I've cream! I had to have ice cream at THE ice cream place in Lund. Siegfried was upset because they didn't have his favorite flavor. Banana of course :).


Since I don't live in Lund anymore I get to be a regular old tourist. And that is what I did. I went to the cathedral first because it has always been one of my favorite  places in Lund. Siegfried was impressed.


Siegfried and I got to have lunch with Jimmie. It was really good! Dumplings and noodles. Siegfried likes dumplings. And these were the good proper kind! 

More blast from the past

Yet another happy meal toy made fun by my work friends. And this one has been around for a while! You can tell because it has the old grading system on it lol. We used to joke that we could just use this to set grades. You spin it and whatever grade pops up is the grade they get!

Blast from the past

I went to my old school (job school) and I got to say hi to everyone :). And as we were leaving I noticed a couple fun things still there. This one was a fun toy I got ages ago and we had fun with it at work. When you press his head his mouth opens and makes a funny noise. I think it has a light in it too but don't remember. So glad he is still there :).


I got to stay at Markus and Erika's place and their two super cute kitties. They are not very cuddly with strangers but I got to pet them both and they eventually joined me on the sofa for sleepy time. No cuddles but they were not far away! And one of them snores really cute just like Bastet does :).

Are we there yet?

Siegfried is wondering if we are in Skåne yet. Since its like 3 hours left I didn't have the heart to break it to him.

onsdag 17 augusti 2016

Project Dahlia

These ones are not as big but just as pretty! I am not sure why they are a bit smaller but they are still blooming and very pretty too :). I'm so proud because I was sure that they were not going to grow at all!

Project Dahlia

I haven't updated Project Dahlia for a long time! Needless to say, they are huge!!! The yellow ones especially are so big and so pretty!

Human furniture

The use of weird sleeping positions on human furniture continues by Mama Cat.

Great minds

Everyone at work has the same calendar. I actually bought one at the beginning of summer but was not sure I wanted to use it cause the red days were not in the pages. But once everyone else had one I dug mine out too :). I can highlight the red days!

söndag 14 augusti 2016

I know I know!

Polo looks like she is raising her hand in class. But no. She is just napping that way. Our special kitty.


No not Huckleberry. But it was my first hedgehog sighting in Uppsala. And it was in the middle of town! Was a bit worried about the little guy but hopefully he is good!


We had a visitor the other day. I think it is a nearby neighbor's kitty. He came up to the window and Mama Cat freaked out! She made the most horrible noise! He eventually left and Mama Cat was super proud of defending the house :).


I'm not sure why, but this little stuffed animal reminded me so much of Gizmo. I had to get it. Is it just me? Boyfriend can't see it.

Plenty of room left

I finally got my few new patches sewn onto my backpack. I've had some for a couple of years so it was time. Boyfriend thinks I'm running out of room but there is plenty of room left!  Maybe. Possibly. But since I have a huge list of places to visit still I might have to start getting smaller patches....

tisdag 9 augusti 2016

Vet time, round two!

Today it was Polo and Mama Cat's turn to go to the vet for thier vaccines. Now they are all done. Whew.

lördag 6 augusti 2016

Little scamps

We went out to dinner the other day. Had a nice time, came home. That's when I noticed my computer screen was all sideways! And there were several other open windows that I did not open. The kitties looked very guilty......

Date night

We went out for dinner! On a Tuesday! We get so caught up in the house and work and kitties and house and so on. We are very bad at just taking time to do something as basic as go out for dinner. But we managed. To a really nice place too! And after dinner we hunted some Pokemons. We don't have any in the country! Had to take the opportunity :).

Vet time!

Well, for Gizmo and Bastet. The other two will go on Tuesday. When it is just me I can't carry all 4 of them so we have to book 2 times. This time was just for their yearly vaccines. But they still did not want to go. Gizmo meows so sad :(.

onsdag 3 augusti 2016

My new baby :)

Well, my three year lease was up so it was time for a new one. This time it is a little bigger (Yaris) and it is a little more environmentally friendly (hybrid). The only thing I thought I would hate is that it is an automatic. But to my surprise, after 2 days, I quite like that it is an automatic. I've only had manual cars since I moved here. But the hybrid is only available as an automatic. I am very happy with it so far :). No name yet. Working on it!

Best tent ever

Every year I go camping with my Tolkien group in the woods somewhere and we have a whole weekend of activities. There is a scout cottage where you can sleep inside but I find that difficult so I sleep out in a tent. A lot of people do. And this year I bought a proper tent. I had a 200 crown one from the hardware store that leaked like a sieve. Last year was cold. And very wet. Not this year. I am here to announce that I officially love my tent. Big. Roomy. I shared with a friend. No problem. And no leaking. No water anywhere. Despite rain 3 of 4 nights and a bit during the days. It was super easy to put up. 3 main poles and bam, tent was up. And most amazing of all. When I folded it up to put it away IT FIT IN THE BAG! First tent I have ever seen or heard of that actually went back in the bag it came in. I had actually brought an extra IKEA bag just for when the tent didn't go back in its bag. No need.
Love. My. New. Tent.

måndag 1 augusti 2016

New tent

I am so happy with my new tent! I used it for Ullared and Bokskogen and am super happy. Not long to set up and it rained butt loads at both places, but no water got in. Siegfried was very happy with the view from the tent as well :).


I am so not sure of the spelling but close enough! Siegfried and I saw this old castle ruin when we stopped for gas on the way home. It is by Vättern.

All settled in

Once the tent was up I was able to make it quite cozy. Siegfried had a spot with my bear.


We made to Bokskogen! And of course there was home brewed beer from Frolic waiting :). He thought I would like this one in particular, he was right, hilarious!


Siegfried and I gave up pretty quick I think.  But goodness it was crazy in there! Not saying I will never go back but I am definitely not going back alone! I can see why people shop there though. It was really really cheap!

Banquet time

Time for Bokskogen banquet! Siegfried was not happy about giving up his seat when the food came.

Bokskogen lunch

After I gave a talk about fairy tales, Siegfried and I decided we had earned some food and a break. 

Awesome hair

There was a hairstyle I really wanted to try but when I did it was impossible to do on myself. So my friend Jeanette did for me and it turned out great! She never did hair before so it's even more impressive!

Princess dress

Got a new dress for this year to go with my fancy jewelry :).

Take a number

There was not a line to get into the store when we got to Ullared, but when we left there was! So you had to get a number and wait to even get in!!!

Much shopping

Siegfried and I found quite a few fun things to buy at Ullared. We only made it for an hour though. There were way to many crazy shoppers there!