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söndag 29 november 2015

Christmas lights

We got the lights up! Well mostly Boyfriend got the lights up, but I helped! Eventually we want to have them go all the way around the house :).

lördag 28 november 2015

Where'd it go?

Gizmo lost track for a few seconds....

Mama Cat attack!

Mama Cat loves this toy. She gets it though and doesn't let go. You can actually pull her across the floor.


The kitties got a new toy to go along with the favorite Millennium Falcon. It's a ribbon one so it's harder for them to hang on to it. I was getting all the stuff for Huckleberry at the pet store and they couldn't be left out!

Kitty pile!

Polo and Gizmo were being super cute taking a nap :).

Huckleberry's first bath

Huckleberry got his first bath today. Bit unplanned but he stepped in some umm stuff yesterday so he had dirty dirty feet. He seemed to like the water a bit. No balling up and hissing :). Scrubbed him with a toothbrush and got the ickies off his feet. Then he went back to bed.

onsdag 25 november 2015

Huckleberry the Hedgehog

We have a new member of the crazy family! This is Huckleberry. He is an African pygmy hedgehog. And he is so super cute :). He got here on Saturday, a bit hurried, because they are not so common here as pets so they are seldom out for sale by the few that breed them here. I have been wanting one for awhile so I jumped at the chance. I have gotten to hold him quite a bit. He is very curious. Still figuring out what is best for him to eat. He liked his cricket and silkworm treats at least :). Still need to get a proper wheel for him but he has most things now. His current wheel is a bit small I think. He also has toys and a hidey hole. Also a bit small so we see if he gets a bigger one. And he has a palace of a cage! Holy crap. I knew it was big, but it is really big!!!! But they need lots of room so it's OK. Well, you will see more of Huckleberry here so just keep looking :).

onsdag 18 november 2015

Happy Mama Cat

Mama Cat is happiest when being petted and relaxing in weird yoga positions.

söndag 15 november 2015

Italian imported twinkle lights

Name that movie! Now that we have a house, I feel a Christmas Vacation moment coming on :).

fredag 13 november 2015

Fun nails, finally

After many months of being too busy with the house, I finally got to do fun nails again :).

måndag 9 november 2015

War on Leaves

Well, the War on Leaves is over. In the end we won. But it was not fun. When we were finally done we had filled about 30 of these leaf bags (and we squished many leaves in each one). I did get to use the fun new leaf blower tho. FYI if you accidentally point it at bushes and trees and stuff, any remaining leaves fall down. Inevitably on the bit you just cleared. Slight learning curve but I'm sure I will conquer it for the next War. Oh, and leaf blowers are strong enough to move gravel. Like really far. Oh well, you learn something new every day :). Plus if you just blow it back in the direction it came from, problem solved!

lördag 7 november 2015

Many pumpkins

This year was a pumpkin carving extravaganza. We went to a friend of a friend's place and there were quite a few people. So there were quite a few pumpkins. They all turned out really good :).

Do I have to?!?

Gizmo was not super excited about the field trip outside. She got a little braver after a few minutes. But not by much. We try again soon :).

Clowning around

This year I was a clown. Have not been one since I was a kid so it was quite fun :).

So many leaves

Boyfriend really wanted Polo to frolic in the leaf piles. Polo did not agree.

We are not amused

Took the kitties for a field trip. Bastet was totally cool, nothing new
here. Polo and Gizmo were not as chill. They did go around a bit, but will
take more practice.


This year's pumpkins turned out good :). Mine are the two on the left and the one on the right is Boyfriend's :).

Should be interesting

It's the 10th anniversary of Twilight so they released a special edition. It has a flipped version of the story. Gender roles reversed. We see how it is, expectations are not super high, but I did like the other version so we see :).

This means war

The leaves are winning. There are too many of them and thier ground forces have taken over. So we called in the artillery. Mwahahahaha!!!!!


Kitties like baskets. They are similar to boxes so it makes sense. Here is Gizmo being cute in what is usually Polo's basket :).