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söndag 28 juni 2015

Amusement park

In the middle of the mall is an amusement park. There is also a huge aquarium in the basement. So it's a fun mall to visit.

Big big tennis ball

Smokey got a new ball from Ikea. It was a stuffed tennis ball bigger than him. He is still trying to kill it lol.


Barney likes to sit on people's feet. So here he is making himself comfy on Billy's feet.


I've always wondered what the fyndhörnet might be in English. Question answered.

Lego store

There is a huge Lego store in the mall and it is always fun to see the big things they build. Storm Trooper photo opportunity :).

Bubba Gump's

After days of non American stuff we finally made it to the Mall of America. Capital of capitalism. First stop was Bubba Gump's for lunch. My chicken strips came in a little boat :).

Not Swedish

Ikea was pretty much the exact same as the one in Sweden. Except for the cinnamon rolls. Super American cinnamon rolls.

Cool name

I didn't believe my brother when he told me that the big fans in Ikea and Wal-mart  were actually called Big Ass Fans. But they are. I found that funny :).

American Ikea

We went to Ikea yesterday. After the fake Norwegian McDonald's and the little Sweden town. Not feeling very America yet lol. It was fun to see all the stuff in English and dollars tho. Mom loves Ikea and she only gets to go when we come to Minnesota too. I actually got two pillow's too cause they have the US sizes here. I bought two fun pillow cases a couple years ago and never could get pillows for them in Sweden. So I was quite happy about that.

lördag 27 juni 2015

Tea pot water tower

This was the water tower in Lindström. Pretty cool. And in Swedish of course :).


We were at a store and there were three super tiny cute puppies!!! So tiny! I wanted to take them all home.


Got to try some cherry moonshine. It wasn't bad. Smelled like rubbing alcohol but really tasted cherries. My favorite is still the peach kind.


Might want to re-think the wording on that one. It was in Lindström, the little Swedish town in Minnesota that we visited. Swedish stuff everywhere.

Attempt #1

Hmm, attempt #1 at stealing back my blanket from the blanket stealing weiner dog did not go so well. Need new plan.

Back to my roots

I had a glazed donut for breakfast. It was yummy :).

Fake Norway

It am had a McDonald's. And Pizza Hut. And two giant Vikings guarding the door. Mom felt him up. Not much else happened. It was fun tho :).

No words for this one

Just. Yeah. Why? Seriously why?

Kids get all the fun shit

I mean really. I would totally buy these if I could. But no they are made for little humans. Not big humans. Whatever.

My wheels for the first stretch

My brother's super giant pick up truck. I need help getting in.

torsdag 25 juni 2015

Maggie seat

Maggie rode to the place she is staying all the way in my lap :). Isn't she a pretty girl? :)

onsdag 24 juni 2015

Garret Popcorn Shops

Ty and Zane moment. Squeeeee!!!

Chicago baby!

Chicago deep dish pizza and insanely over priced water. Ah, the airport.

Books and books and more books!

It's actually a bit embarrassing that we needed so many book shelves. Some of the books are Boyfriend's, but mostly they are mine. My scholastic, elitist, will read anything even trashy romance side is so happy that we have to probably get even more shelves. The OCD part is freaking out cause none of them are in order. Eeeeek!!!! We are going to paint the walls soon so I have to move them all to do that. Then there will be much organizing :). But not by color. I hate it when people do that.

tisdag 16 juni 2015

Super spoiled babies :)

Boyfriend spoils the kitties so much :). This one was especially for Polo because she loves to drink out of the sink in the bathroom. She seems to like it so far.


I really shouldn't unpack the boxes. What would the kitties climb on?!?

söndag 14 juni 2015

Arrived safely

Well all my stuff made it to the house. Boyfriend sent me proof. Wow, the dining room is full. And so is the garage apparently. I guess I have some unpacking to do....but kitties have playground now :).

And the winner is...

The washing machine! First place for unexpected secret deposits of cat toys. I was actually not expecting that many to be hiding under there. Weird.

Full truck

Very full truck. The moving dudes came and took 99.9% of my stuff away, spiriting it away to the new house, far far away. Unfortunately I didn't catch them in time to save a towel and my shampoo. So I had to go out and buy all that since I was here two nights more....but they were fast! And very thorough! No stone left unturned and all that.

New house, new stuff

A new house requires a trip to Ikea. I think it is an unwritten law or something. In this case, tons of bookshelves for the tons of books. And outdoor furniture cause we have an outdoors now!

Goodbye Kävlinge

I got wonderful presents from my students but also from my job. I got a gift card and I was finally able to guilt free get my Alessi juice presser :). And some earrings :). Not bad at all :).

torsdag 11 juni 2015

The One Keyring of Power

Is no more :(. Finished turning in all of my keys to all of my schools. Now it really feels over I guess :(.

onsdag 10 juni 2015

All cleaned out

Attic and basement storage all ready for moving guys!!!! We threw out soooooo much stuff! It felt good to finally get rid of stuff i have been meaning to get rid of. Thanks to Erika the Wonderful I am totally on my way to being ready for Friday :).

måndag 8 juni 2015

Going to miss the students :(

I had my last week of lessons now. I am really going to miss all the kiddos! I have had most of them for 5-6 years! That is a long time. I hope they will miss me too, at least a little tiny bit. I got lots of fun presents from them, it made me cry!

Cuddles in the new house

Polo was very cuddly in the new house. She was even up on the couch asking for pets!

New record!

11 minutes and 38 seconds. That's what it takes for me and Boyfriend to put together a Billy bookshelf. And we are going to have a lot of them. Luckily the ones from my house are already together. But we have to saw a bit so they fit over our baseboards :(. The baseboards are too tall and a bit special, so the standard cut out didn't fit. But Boyfriend is good at that so it all works out :).

Friends at last

Sorta. Mama Cat and Bastet have been getting along better and better. Here I caught them sharing the tree!

Sleepy Polo

Polo gets out a good yawn before settling into her spot on the fake sheepskin rug by one of the windows.

Found my spot!

Mama Cat and Gizmo have found thier favorite spots as well. Gizmo really likes the chairs. Mama Cat also likes the sofa.

I spy a Bastet

Bastet has never used the cat tree. She just didn't like it. But now in the new house, she loves it! She was in and out of it all day :).