Or at least the little fluff ball thinks he can in his sleep :). So so cute :).
tisdag 30 september 2014
Post apple market apocalypse
Yep that is my car. All by itself in a field. Poor Elvira :(. But it was full during the market. We stayed much much longer with our friends so it was empty when we left. It was a little creepy to be like the one last car.
How bout them apples?
We were at the Apple Market in Kivik with some friends this weekend. It was really cool! This picture is made up entirely of apples. They do a giant one every year. There was also a huge market with food and crafts and all kinds of fun stuff. The apple donuts were very yummy :). Hope we can go back next year :).
måndag 29 september 2014
Learning to knit
In the same spirit of things, I have decided I want to learn how to knit. So I bought needles and some practice yarn. We see what happens!
Crochet project
I saw the new Outlander series this week and fell in love with the knitted stuff. It was so pretty! So I decided to do one of the cowls. I got my giant yarn and my giant hook so I am ready to go!
Done in by fluff balls
One of my Mr. Potato Heads has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. He was done in by the fluff balls. Poor guy :(. Bet it was funny though, he is bigger than them!
Race you to the top!
They have started to climb everywhere. Including this which is thankfully for kitty climbing. They haven't made it to the top yet though. Soon.
What is it....and why is it following me?!?
Sekhmet came much closer to the fluff balls today. She seems very curious about them. A bit worried when they follow her though...
We likes our new bed :)
The fluff balls have started sleeping in the bed that Boyfriend bought. They seem to like it a lot. Although a couple of them are convinced that there is something under it that needs catching every now and again....they try at least :).
måndag 22 september 2014
söndag 21 september 2014
Time to weigh in
All the kitties were weighed and given medicine for worms today. Since they are so small we used a kitchen scale and a mixing bowl :). They were a bit upset over the medicine but now they can meet Bastet and Sekhmet :).
tisdag 16 september 2014
I claim this spot in the name of nap time!
Sekhmet does like to sleep in the kitty tree. But she still won't climb up there herself. Weirdo :).
Helping hand
Boyfriend felt bad for the kittens on the bottom of the feeding frenzy pile. They were getting squished by one very persistent mountain climber kitten. So he held one up while they had dinner :).
I swear! I can eat on my own! This little one ventured quite far and was licking at the food bowl with the soft food in it. I was quite surprised! I read it was a few weeks when they started eating on their own.
måndag 15 september 2014
An escapee!!!!
Some are more ambitious than others. One little kitten thought "Freedom!" and scooted on out of blanket boundaries. But it's all good, exploring is cool :).
Blanket field trip
I have been letting the babies out on a blanket to scoot around a bit more. They can scoot around all they want :).
Mommy kitty jungle gym
The mommy cat has no problem letting the kittens climb all over her. Which makes for a lot of fun pictures :).
söndag 14 september 2014
Temporary kitty and kittens
These poor kittens were going to be drowned by some farmer (more on those people later). Somehow someone got word to the cat rescue and they could take them to a stödhem. And that turned out to be my house! So I will have mommy kitty and four baby kitties until they are old enough to find homes for.
More kitty spoiling
Boyfriend has gotten the kitties another present, a floor to ceiling kitty tree! With hammocks! Sekhmet will take naps in it. If we put her there. She hasn't dared to jump up herself though :(. Bastet has shown not so much interest :(. But Siri likes it :). We see if they warm up to it after a few days :).
fredag 5 september 2014
Japan rules!
A friend was in Japan and he got me Hello Kitty!!!! So much Hello Kitty!!!! A magnetic message board, Jenga, chopsticks, and a game where you stack the Hello Kitties. Am in Hello Kitty heaven :).
onsdag 3 september 2014
Sign from god?
Got me some culture
A couple weeks ago Boyfriend and I went to Moderna museet in Stockholm. We went to an exhibit on Nils Dardel and it was really cool! I haven't had much time for museums lately so it was really nice to go. I need to go more!
Definitely my cat
It is official. My little weirdos are definitely mine. Bastet fell asleep with the Kindle, just like her weirdo mommy does :).
Boyfriend got us a blender so we can make smoothies :). Have been experimenting but not yet found the perfect balance. But soon I hope!