I have a bike again!!! And Boyfriend has one too!!! We have been biking and now my butt hurts....three years without a bike will do that. And apparently I am not allowed to say that while we are biking and people can hear. Boyfriend gets funny looks when I announce that my butt hurts. Dirty minded people.
tisdag 18 mars 2014
Giant book
I am taking editing classes in the fall. I am getting a certificate in editing from a university in the US that has the whole course online. I am very excited :). Even though the book is very big and scary. I used an abbreviated version at university and holy cow was it ever!
It's time baby!
I am finally going to get my teaching degree!!! I have all the papers ready!!! Basically I send in all my stuff, they evaluate it, tell me what to do in order to get my degree (hopefully nothing, or close to nothing), I do it, and viola!!! Took me forever, but now I kind of have to.....but I have been busy working dammit!!!
Finally framed :)
I finally framed my degrees and all the stuff that went with them. I have been meaning to do it for forever, but I always put it off. Not anymore! Now my tens of thousands of dollars worth of paper are ready for the wall. The irony is that the frames are super cheap ones from IKEA, but whatever :). I wanted to make collages and not just frame the papers, so that took awhile as well. Figuring out how to attach everything and so on. But I think I worked it out. We see if anything falls off :).
söndag 16 mars 2014
It's a baby!!!
There are actually two. Only one in picture though. I replanted both mommies and both babies. So I guess we see if they make it this time. Had one before, but it died :(. This time I read that planting the baby in same pot as mommy can be quite good. We see.
All other plants are done and dusted as well. Feels kind of good. Like I am accomplishing something.
But not doing this again for like two years. Major effort.
onsdag 12 mars 2014
Monkey at work
My little monkey hasn't been out much lately. So here he is in the coffee room. Hanging out at work. Chillin like a villian.
tisdag 11 mars 2014
Sometimes my job rocks
Sometimes I have the worst job in the world, but sometimes I have the best job in the world. Like today. We were making good guys and bad guys for the fairy tale we are writing as a group. And the whole time we were drawing, the kids were making up parts of the story. And of course I had to contribute my own good guy and bad guy....what kind of example would I be setting if I didn't!?! Life is good :).
måndag 10 mars 2014
Library time baby!
I have been wanting to update my library, add all my books to Goodreads, but it was taking way too long :(. Then Boyfriend got me a scanner blippy boppy thing and now it is going so fast!!! And it is almost fun!!! Beep beep beep :).
torsdag 6 mars 2014
Bunny is back!
Spring is here, and I know that because the bunny is back! There are two of them, but I only saw one this morning. But I imagine the other bunny is not far behind :).
tisdag 4 mars 2014
Siri piri!!!
Siri was visiting this weekend, so Sekhmet had her napping buddy. Siri was totally in love with the catnip worm too :).
Well trained kitty chair
Boyfriend has learned how to sit with kitties. Kitty first, laptop held above kitty so that lap is entirely at kitty's disposal. Very well trained boyfriend :).
My cats have never responded to catnip before. Not the spray, not toys, not anything. Then boyfriend brought a new toy from a friend of his. And oh my Jesus on a cracker! Now I have two total junkies on my hands!!! It is this little plastic worm that is infused with catnip. They cuddle with it, lick it, drool on it. I have to take it away from them during the day. So weird.
Time to give the plants some new dirt. It is a pretty big task. Lots of plants, lots of orchids. Need some new pots though because some of my little babies have grown quite big! Not enough super big pots. Maybe need to go to Ikea....
And I have two orchid babies I need to separate from the mommy orchids. But last time did not go so well, the baby orchid didn't make it :(.