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torsdag 23 augusti 2012

Fun turtle!

Tamas brought a fun turtle to school today! You hook it up to the garden hose and it squirts water like a sprinkler. But of course we were mostly focused on making dirty jokes about the fact that you put the hose up its butt :). Still fun though :). Plus the new students that were waiting for introduction to start probably think we are nuts now, always a plus! They would have figured it out soon anyway, better they know now :).

tisdag 21 augusti 2012

I am not amused

Siri Piri was visiting this weekend. She really likes it here cause when it comes time to go home and go in her bag she throws a fit of epic proportions! Last time it took Jimmie 4 hours to get her in her critter bag. But I have magic, oh yes :). I got her while she was sleepy, gave her a treat, and in she went :). Course then Jimmie took 20 minutes to show up and she was pissed! But still, I is the kitteh whisperer :).

måndag 20 augusti 2012

It's a beer, it's a soda...

No! It's rum! In a can! I got pretty icon, the boys got really fun cans of rum :). It even has a pirate on it :). Yo ho ho!

Saint from Brazil!

Tamas and his family were in Brazil this summer and I begged and pleaded for a real honest to god (pun intended) icon from Brazil and I got one! Tamas is the best :). He said they are really popular there and there are like hundreds to choose from. So cool! He fits in so well at my wonderfully interesting home doesn't he?

torsdag 16 augusti 2012

Chocolate breast and mommy porn

I met my Danish friend from across the water the other day in order to exchange books and gossip :). Since I was leaving over pseudo porn, I figured the chocolate breast was an appropriate fika choice ;). My friend was also considering giving in to the hype and giving 50 Shades a go. I was all for this, not wanting to suffer alone. But apparently, the waiting list at the library was quite long. I have the book books as well as the Kindle books, so I could loan her my copies instead :). We shall see how she likes it. As for yours truly, I have made it through the first two. Wish me luck with the third!

Knitted bike

I saw this bike in Malmö. Holy shit, it was impressive! Every single bit was encased in knitting. Even the brake wires and around the package holder. Don't have to worry about someone stealing a bike like that, kind of hard to claim you "had one just like it"!

söndag 12 augusti 2012

Close up-odd cooking device

This is the cooking thing for the Chinese fondue. It was fun to see all the buttons I couldn't read :).

lördag 11 augusti 2012

Chinese fondue

We had Chinese hot pot fondue stuff today at Jens and Xue. It was very cool! It was water with a special spice mix and then basically throw in whatever you want to cook. It was very fun :).

Ready for duty!

Off to Jens and Xue to eat fun Chinese food :). Am bringing my authentic Chinese chopsticks to help me out!

My doll!

Sekhmet is sitting as guard kitty. Raggedy Ann is her doll. No questions. Isn't she cute :)?

torsdag 9 augusti 2012

Feels like home...

I guess it speaks for itself :). Although at home I really don't see too many wooden Indians. But hey, whatever the Swedes need to think right? ;)

My new pretty phone :)

Every two years I have to renew my mobile phone contract. That means a new phone which is included in the price :). This one is going to be so good for my blog! The camera kicks ass!

lördag 4 augusti 2012

Chinese dress

I got a real Chinese dress, from China! Jens and his girlfriend were there all summer, so they ordered it after my measurements and everything. Wasn't that neat? Thanks guys! It is sooooo pretty! I can't wait to wear it! Need shoes first though :). Yes, yes, I'm a girl, any excuse :).

Where is my dinner?

Bastet is waiting for her dinner at the table, just like everyone else :).

fredag 3 augusti 2012

Rug shopping with friend

Jimmie got a new rug for his place, and I totally take the credit for talking him into it :). It totally fits the whole library feel at his house.

Pillows liberated

I finally started getting stuff out of the attic and in to the apartment. Like my wide assortment of happy colored pillows. Happy pillows make a happy Melinda :).