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tisdag 31 januari 2012

Bow to the master

My mom is the queen high empress of packing a box! All the brown boxes in the picture held stuff I ordered from Amazon. That little white box in the picture is now holding all the stuff from Amazon. My mom got everything from those boxes into one small box. This is why we bow to the master :).

söndag 22 januari 2012

I dye own hairs!

I went brown :). I didn't even manage to kill my hairs :). I am adding red bits later :).

Fucking birds!

But babies are always cute :). The horny little fuckers managed even without nesting material! I left the basket in there but took away all the stuff to make a nest. Still they had babies! I'm kinda impressed. Plus did I mention the cute part?

fredag 6 januari 2012

Happy Birthday Professor!

I was out this past Tuesday to celebrate Tolkien's birthday with the group in Lund. It was fun cause I have never met them before. Also, I got to take a small break from totally destroying my apartment. But it needs to be destroyed before it can be put back together, so no worries!
Anyway, it was a Happy Birthday to the professor :).

måndag 2 januari 2012

This means war baby!

I have declared war on my apartment. I moved in like two years ago and since then I have just been moving piles around and not finding homes for things. Well it ends now! That's right. You heard me. Before I get back to work in a week, I will have this shit organized or die trying. And today I started with the closet. I broke the floor when I moved in. So I had a great excuse for the shit ton of stuff cluttering up living room. Well. They fixed the floor like 6 months ago...yeah. But today I got my tools, hats, mittens, scarves and coats all organized in there. Cool huh? It's only a scratch on the surface of what I need to do this week. But at least it's a start! Wish me luck!