Seriously could not be more true. All you have to have to do now is throw in all the dangerous critters and rednecks with guns, and we got a party!
fredag 18 november 2011
onsdag 16 november 2011
Wonder Woman
Some days I really do wish I was Wonder Woman. I always feel behind and wish I could get more done, better and faster. But I never live up to those expectations. I made lots of "To Do" lists now in my Wonder Woman notebook. We shall see when and if I get them done. I have high hopes for the Christmas break. Maybe?
My pillow :(
Nothing is sacred. Damn cat started sleeping in the middle of my damn pillow. Sorry! Her damn pillow. Not mine. What was I thinking?
It was the 11th of November 2011 last week, and I captured the clock at 11:11. Kind of fun :). But as a friend pointed out, it was not really only 1's across the board unless you abbreviated the year. Otherwise, the last time it was all 1's was a little less than 1000 years ago. Still, apparently lots of people got married at that time last week.
fredag 11 november 2011
Out of the cave again!
I left my cave yet again. I am so very proud :) As are the majority of my Voices. They decided I should go out. They also decided that since we only go out every now and again it was ok to have fun and wear a dress! So I pulled my fifties Gothic houewife dress out of the closet, dusted it and a pair of high heels off, and had a great time :). I went to my second Spacelab with Maria and company. It was very fun again, and this time we only missed two questions on the quiz! Since I have been sick off and on for about three weeks, I did decide to go home quite early and not go to the club after. But I was still out and about for several hours!
tisdag 8 november 2011
Adding Tags or Labels

Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I will be adding tags or labels or whatever you call them to my posts. But there are ALOT of posts!!! So it might take me a while to get it done. Just so you are not confused looking at the "cloud" of tags over to your right (yep, to the right, scroll down, bit more, don't be shy, there you go!).
Now, for example, there are lots of "Wal-mart" tags. That is because I just finished tagging bunches of summer posts, which I wrote while working guessed it...Wal-mart! By the time I am done there will lots under "Cats" and "Birds" especially, for example. So there are more tags to come, and they will all balance out more as I get more done. Just figured I would explain :).
lördag 5 november 2011
Advertising is key
Since I was in Malmö today, I went to both the English Shop and the American Store. They are on the same city block. And both places have both British and American stuff. Today it was the British store first. I bought some things, then off to the American store, where I bought even more things. Then something funny happened. I had my bag from the English Shop on the counter while I paid, and suddenly the guy grabbed it and put it in a second American Store bag. First I was like, What the hell? Then I got it, he didn't want me walking around with the "enemy" bag :). So funny! So I gave in of course. As an American it is clear with which store my loyalties lie. But it is hard to say no to the Cadbury eggs at the English Shop....
First poop to the toilet wins!
This is a game about poop. Yep. Poop. From the same place that brought us the poop and pee book as well as stuffed representations of poop and pee, we now have the board game. So the various bits of poop play across the board till you get to the finish line. A toilet. Makes sense at least. Yeah. I'm just not sure what to say about this one.
Pizza Hut
Every now and again I get a craving for American food. And American pizza. Luckily, we have a Pizza Hut in Malmö :). I dragged Erika there today and I got my pepperoni pizza with extra cheese :). Life is good!
Fall is here
It's that time of year. The leaves are falling off, its getting colder. Time to break out the warm jackets and hot chocolate. Jimmie and I went to Skrylle to enjoy the leaves and a very nice lunch.