Poor Antony stopped singing. Sort of. He got very hoarse and you could barely hear him which is why I thought he had stopped singing. But he was still singing, just not audibly. So I went on the internet and found out about airsac mites. They can make finches hoarse and if they aren't treated the little birdies die :(. So Antony and his girlfriend and roommates all went to the vet today. All the birds got medicine and after three weeks of once a week treatments Antony should be singing again :).
tisdag 25 januari 2011
lördag 22 januari 2011
Vampire kitty
Jimmie and I took Siri to the vet. Siri was not happy about going to the vet. Not at all. It was just a vaccine but they had to break out the hood and she was just viciously disgruntled. Then during the excitement she pooed in her box. So I took some paper to pick it up. She shouldn't sit in poo all the way home. And when I was almost done she reared back and bit me! Not sure if it shows on the picture but I had three teeth marks surrounded by a huge bruise :(.
I know its in here!
Bananas! Grapes! Goodies! There must have been something good in this guy's backpack. There were two cute little monkeys on it and they just refused to leave! So now I have a plan for next time. Backpack stocked with monkey candy. Then they cuddle with me :).
söndag 16 januari 2011
More cuteness :)
Here is Gittan feeding the lemurs. I think they are so fun. And when they saw it was food time three of them jumped on Jens shoulders and then on to Gittan when they saw she had the bowl. So fun! Later when we went back through I got one to sit on my shoulder and he tried to eat some of my hair :).
Cute monkeys :)
Gittan got to feed the animals today at Tropikariet in Helsingborg. It was her birthday present from Jens and Ebba. And Jens and I got to go with :). So much fun and so many cute monkeys!
tisdag 11 januari 2011
Attention all Swedes!
Ok this has been pissing me off for years. The Swedish word "älg" means "moose" not "elk" "MOOSE"!!!!!!! A moose is a moose. An elk is like a really big deer. They don't even look the same! So here in the first picture we have a MOOSE or in Swedish, ÄLG. In the second picture we have an ELK or HJORT. But don't worry Swedes, it is the Brits who have fucked it up, as usual. They say elk when they talk about moose. There is probably a logical explanation, but, being American and all, I don't have to care about that :).
My little princesses :)
My little babies are comfy at home again. Here they are each on their own little princess pillow :).
lördag 8 januari 2011
Hand job anyone?
At the airport in Dallas we saw this...sculpture...work of art...pile of crap...? It was made of lots of sculpted hands, but I'll be darned if the end result didn't look like a giant penis. And as my shy, withdrawn mother pointed out, most of the hands look like they are cupping something. We had a giggle :).
For the discerning little customers
Mom took me to get my nails done and it was really nice :). And they had these special pedicure chairs for kids that were really cute!
torsdag 6 januari 2011
Stuff for my walls!

Even more Swedish goodies in America!!


More Swedish goodies in America!
Christmas tree wrangling!

onsdag 5 januari 2011
Kitty in the bath tub!
Best pizza ever!

Alma mater
måndag 3 januari 2011
American breakfast!
My new tattoo!

lördag 1 januari 2011
Coolest book ever!

Kitty is family too :)
Uff da!!!
He's a mean one...
Ralphie, I can't get up!
O.C.D. M&M's
Stuck much?
Redneck ear plugs :)
Billy with guns

Melinda with guns

It's shootin' time!!!

I caught him on a corn dog!