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tisdag 26 augusti 2008

The Poo Wars Continue

Well, in the fight for a less smelly cat box we are now trying Tidy Cats. With promises of "immediate odor control" we are hoping this will be the one.

Wish us luck!

måndag 25 augusti 2008

Bastet and Sekhmet's First Meeting

Here are the kitties playing together when they first met. Bastet was not amused by this tiny addition to the family. Here she is being vampire Bastet :)

Now they like each other a lot more, and Bastet gives Sekhmet baths and Sekhmet steals Bastet's food. It's a work in progress relationship...

My New Kitty :)

Here is my kitty Sekhmet making herself comfy in our new apartment. Bastet hasn't really taken to sleeping in the sink or the bath tub. She prefers her own kitty sized chair :)

We all like our new home so far. Still have a bit of packing and organizing to do, but all in all, it feels pretty nice here.

And thanks to all my painting friends, my bedroom is no longer green and my living room is no longer old lady wall papered! Thanks!